The technologies that have revolutionized information exchange and enabled
distributed learning continue to change at a rapid pace and influence
advances in online learning. In some cases, online learning—the
practice, not just the technology—has had the reverse effect by influencing
the development of technical standards
and entire classes of software applications. Actually, we can identify
technology trends only in hindsight, though the greater the momentum,
the greater the accuracy of prediction. This paper will discuss some progress
in Web technology that will likely influence how organizations capture,
manage, and disseminate knowledge assets; transform those assets into
learning opportunities; and deliver new learning opportunities to the
new knowledge worker.
Let me begin with Web technologies that will transform the full spectrum
of distributed computing and then show how those technologies will probably
influence online learning and spawn new technologies specific to our field.
Without a doubt, XML, or eXtensible Markup Language, is the juggernaut
technology that will impact virtually all technical trends in online learning.
XML is the lingua franca of component application interoperability,
data transformations, and meta-data—data about data. XML is a singular
technology of supreme importance, but it is here used to refer to a larger
basket of related technologies that extend its utility in many directions.
XSL, SOAP, WSDL, RDF, SVG, and so many others—go to the World
Wide Web Consortium (W3C) site to explore these related technologies.
XML is also the language of choice for evolving online
learning standards. SCORM, among others, uses XML to format descriptions
of learning objects
and relationships of learning objects (modules, courses, etc.) into meta-data
files. These XML files are the agents that provide interoperability between
learning object and learning content management system.
XML is an open technology developed and extended by its users. It is
not owned and controlled by any one company, thus it is not proprietary,
subject to licensing, or at risk of defaulting. XML is an example of a
trend toward non-proprietary, standards-based technologies for learning
applications, a trend that is now well established. Organizations have
long wished for training built in such a way that it is easy, quick, and
cost effective to create and deliver. The proprietary tools used to author
courseware hold far less influence today due to interoperability challenges,
incompatibility with standards, and resultant obsolescence when companies
cease business. When proprietary technologies go head to head with open
technologies that offer the same utility at solving problems, the open
technologies will always win. So, XML is an example, though not the only
example, of an open technology that becomes the backbone of a technological
Web Services
Another major trend brought about by the sweeping influence of XML is
that of web services. Simply put, a web service is a component application,
a nugget of computing power made available on a distributed network—the
Internet, for example—by its owner. That is somewhat abstract, and it
should be, for web services come in many forms to solve many different
kinds of business problems. Though we have not yet seen widespread use
of web services in the online learning domain, this technology will likely
spread in this direction. As an example, Company A might create a learning
management system as a web service and offer it by subscription to organizations
needing that service. Company B might offer a web service as e-learning
content broker. Company C offers a web service for cataloging and converting
corporate documents into a common format useful in a knowledge management
system. Then, Company D offers a translation web service that might be
useful in translating content for use abroad. Assuming that the four service
providers create their web service to comply with established technical
standards, your organization could then construct a corporate learning
portal linking all the web service components into a unified system. It
matters not where the four purchased services are located—well, there
may be connection or bandwidth issues—for your employees interact with
the system as if everything is local.
Peer-To-Peer (P2P)
P2P is an old networking technology that may have a resurrection because
now we can see potential for "killer applications". P2P has been
used in the past and continues to be used today for file sharing between
client computers. P2P does not rely upon a central server computer, therefore
it is in competition with client/server topologies. On a P2P network,
all computers are of equal ranking, each acting as both client and server.
If you have ever created a shared folder and put documents in it for other
workers to use, then you have used this networking technology. For the
most part, P2P was used for file and printer sharing, not application
sharing—that is, until Napster, Gnutella, Groove, and a bunch of
new P2P applications appeared. Notwithstanding the heated content ownership
issues, the big name technology companies have taken interest in P2P applications
and are developing supporting technologies for a new breed of application.
Learning organizations realize that their greatest asset is the collective
intellectual capital of their employees. Learning organizations also see
great advantage in sharing knowledge, one employee to another. Yet, traditional
methods of sharing knowledge are not so effective. Have you experienced
this problem in your organization? P2P may offer a solution. There are
no P2P applications in this, the early part of the decade, dedicated to
knowledge sharing peer to peer. P2P will become a trend in computing in
general, and we may see P2P knowledge sharing applications as well.
Once telecommunications escapes the economic doldrums of previous years,
we should see a whirlwind of new wireless web devices, led by advanced
cellular telephones, personal digital assistants, and pocket PCs. An era
of wireless connectivity is upon us. Wireless is an established trend
that will build in momentum as world economies improve. Standards for
wireless devices have been in place for years. Go to any large computer
store to see the many wireless networking accessories available today.
Carry your wireless laptop computer to the coffee shop, step into an invisible
wireless web, and take an online course while drinking your espresso—not
a dream; you can do this today at some Starbucks
Building high-quality training applications for delivery over a wireless
web to devices like cellular telephones, personal digital assistants,
or someday the small screens built into home appliances; well, that's
a challenge for both technology and instructional design. There are some
standards for content displayable on such devices and some technologies
for media rich content creation available today. XML is one such standard
that enforces the separation of content from presentation, thus leading
the way for learning objects
that teach the same topic whether on a wired office computer or a wireless
Palm Pilot. The types of training we might see will depend heavily on
the form factor of the device's screen. The typical 4-line monochrome
display of a cell phone would be inadequate for all but the simplest learning
objects. New hardware technologies such as small high-resolution screens
and even flexible, foldable LCD displays will break down barriers. Trends
toward more compact portable devices and wireless connectivity are interconnected
and parallel, yet they are still separate trends. Expect convergence of
learning content designed for wireless web delivery with new wireless
devices capable of delivering rich learning experiences. If this trend
continues, by the next decade students young and old will be using personal
learning appliances (PLA)—rich, portable, wireless devices—to aid their
lifelong learning.
Managed training is a current trend embedding itself into the organizational
infrastructure. We are seeing more centralized training management due
to the availability of sophisticated application software and adoption
of technical standards.
Learning Content Management Systems (LCMS)
In earlier times computer managed instruction (CMI) meant little more
than a database for tracking course enrollment and student performance
measures. A training manager could see who was taking what course, who
had finished, dates, scores, aggregate statistics, etc. Now days, such
a system in a large organization would be thought inadequate compared
to the more robust class of software, the learning content management
systems. An LCMS provides an organization a full range of training management
options; and since most LCMSs are web-based and integrate into an organization's
intranet, the implementation is easy and the browser interface friendly.
Though the use of CMI software could hardly be called a trend in past
years, the quick adoption of online learning standards by LCMS vendors
seems to increase LCMS significance in the training equation and thus
their appeal to learning organizations. The specific features and capabilities
of one vendor's LCMS over another will vary in future years, perhaps merging
with learning portal and knowledge management applications, but variety
will still be the norm. The constant that will be the trend is the interoperability
of LCMS to learning object content, thanks to online
learning standards.
Corporate Universities and Learning Portals
Many of the world's largest corporations have established internal training
entities for their workforce. These corporate universities offer varieties
of courseware to meet most any training needs. The interface for the employee
is typically the corporation's intranet, where they have set up a web-based
learning portal. The learning portal becomes the gateway to the virtual
campus. As organizations evaluate the return on investment, measured in
productivity gain and good will, clearer definitions and best practices
result. The corporate university concept is not a technology in itself,
nor does it have direct influence over developing learning standards.
Yet, corporate universities and learning portals do rely upon other web
technologies and standards. In a world of distributed computing and an
environment of corporate responsibility for employee learning opportunity,
this trend would predict that the corporate university will assume much
of the role of the traditional university campus for workforce training.
Content is king, or so says Microsoft's Bill
Gates and the entertainment media giants. A living learning system
runs dry without its lifeblood, content. What about technology trends
that assure the availability of learning content?
Learning Object Repositories
we have learning content residing in virtual repositories, the corporate
library of custom courseware and the extensive catalogs of courseware
offered by commercial training vendors. In the latter case of highly competitive
courseware brokering—where, by the way, content is of questionable
quality—content is now a commodity. The advent of learning objects
and online learning standards will ultimately transform these learning
content repositories into learning object repositories.
A new economy will develop, the educational object economy. Need to construct
an online course in X-ray technology for airport security screeners? No
problem, locate learning objects from some university learning object
repository—paying their fees, of course—find more objects
at a commercial vendor or X-ray equipment manufacturer, hook in a web
service for certification tracking, and your course is online in days.
Finding the learning content today would require extensive research. Learning
objects, on the other hand, require meta-data describing that object,
data that enables the process of discovery. The computer agent built into
next generation LCMSs will be able to scan the entire Web for learning
objects meeting your criteria and make them available almost instantly.
The current trend toward commoditizing courseware content will shift toward
learning objects as content in this form becomes more prevalent.
Knowledge Management
The field of knowledge management (KM) is coming of age; KM is on the
mind of many corporate executives. The U.S. Federal Government has stated
that one of the biggest problems facing its workforce is the loss of knowledge
assets as baby boomers retire in droves. Corporations realize that their
most important asset, the collective knowledge of their employees, leaves
the office every evening. KM promises a solution for capturing and disseminating
worker knowledge and maintaining knowledge assets when employees leave.
Now, KM might sound similar to learning management; but be clear, it
is not. KM today captures and catalogs knowledge assets: documents, forms,
lists, histories, images, or anything else in electronic form that someone
says is "knowledge". KM does not transform these assets into
learning. Go to a KM conference and talk to vendors showing their wares.
You may come away with the impression as I have that many vendors offer
specialized database management systems, front-end applications for expensive
enterprise database software. It is not apparent that there are new technologies
involved and KM today is not learning standards compliant. To be ultimately
successful, KM must have capabilities to discriminate between what is
important and worth keeping and what is not, and it must have capabilities
to transform knowledge assets into standards-based learning content. Otherwise,
it is an application of technology that has lots of sales appeal and less
substance. Regardless of today's assessment, I feel that KM is a trend
worth watching closely for its potential as a key learning portal component.
Identifying current trends and predicting new ones should not imply universal
acceptance and adoption. Not all online learning will follow the trends,
nor should they. Early experience will tell us that many of the technologies
mentioned here will in all likelihood offer advantage to the learner and
the learning organization. The innovators and early adopters will become
test beds and ultimate judges of the utility of the technologies. With
a keen focus on what is truly important, an effective learning experience
for the end user, trends will take the right direction and technology
will serve its real purpose.